Oriental medicine (OM), also known as Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a healing art that existed in some form or other for more than 3,000 years. Some of the earlier texts date back from the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 ACE). In the western world, it is commonly known as acupuncture. However, acupuncture is only one of several modalities that physicians of TCM use to treat patients. TCM emphasizes the role of the body in the healing process and uses herbs and natural agents to maintain health. It is an effective form of treatment and a particularly safe form of therapy. TCM is a complete medical system that takes into account every aspect of human life to promote health and well-being. It sees the body as one whole entity like a “Garden” and encompasses its physical, emotional, energetic, as well as its spiritual aspects. It emphasizes on the “Vis medicatrix” the “healing power of nature” better known as “the inborn ability of the human body to respond to the insult of illness or injury and restore itself to health in most episodes of disease or trauma (Whorton, 2002, p. 6).” The goal for treatment is boosting the ecological condition to favor self-regulatory capacity. Physicians in the eastern world are trained to examine skin, complexion, bones, channels, smells, sounds, mental state, preferences, emotions, tongue, pulse, demeanor, and body build to discern patterns that underlie a patient’s complaints. TCM’s wholistic approach to healing addresses the underlying cause of disease, and allows the body to heal itself naturally. Physicians are taught to treat the cause not just the symptoms of an illness so that the body can function more efficiently and therefore ensuring true health.
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Chiropractic | Acupuncture | Massage
1898 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 120 Daytona Beach, FL 386.872.7167
Alesha Fleming, D.C.
Chiropractic Physician | Owner, Natural Health and Wellness Chiropractic, LLC
Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Embry-Riddle Athletics - Team Chiropractic Physician
Dr. Fleming founded Natural Health and Wellness Chiropractic, LLC on the premise that healthcare should be patient centered, outcome driven, transparent, and affordable. Prior to starting her career in chiropractic, Dr. Fleming attended Mercer University in Macon, GA where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in German. After graduation, she moved to Port Orange, Florida where she earned her Doctorate Degree in Chiropractic Medicine at Palmer College of Chiropractic. While in school she received additional training in nutrition, sports medicine, and animal chiropractic. Dr. Fleming opened Natural Health and Wellness Chiropractic in 2015 in Daytona Beach. She also has a passion for teaching and began her career in education at Herzing University as an Adjunct Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. After two years, Dr. Fleming transitioned to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where she currently holds the positions of Program Coordinator of the Aerospace Physiology Degree and Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Physiology and Neuroscience, teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses. Dr. Fleming has also designed and taught continuing education courses for the AAMA, and worked as an Adjunct Professor for Palmer College of Chiropractic, training Chiropractic Student Interns who have complete their final Trimester of Chiropractic education at her office. She is also the Team Chiropractic Physician for Embry-Riddle Athletics where she works with a team of doctors and athletic trainers to manage the care of student athletes. Dr. Fleming is currently working on her Diplomate in Neurology to become a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist.