Oriental medicine (OM), also known as Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a healing art that existed in some form or other for more than 3,000 years. Some of the earlier texts date back from the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 ACE). In the western world, it is commonly known as acupuncture. However, acupuncture is only one of several modalities that physicians of TCM use to treat patients. TCM emphasizes the role of the body in the healing process and uses herbs and natural agents to maintain health. It is an effective form of treatment and a particularly safe form of therapy. TCM is a complete medical system that takes into account every aspect of human life to promote health and well-being. It sees the body as one whole entity like a “Garden” and encompasses its physical, emotional, energetic, as well as its spiritual aspects. It emphasizes on the “Vis medicatrix” the “healing power of nature” better known as “the inborn ability of the human body to respond to the insult of illness or injury and restore itself to health in most episodes of disease or trauma (Whorton, 2002, p. 6).” The goal for treatment is boosting the ecological condition to favor self-regulatory capacity. Physicians in the eastern world are trained to examine skin, complexion, bones, channels, smells, sounds, mental state, preferences, emotions, tongue, pulse, demeanor, and body build to discern patterns that underlie a patient’s complaints. TCM’s wholistic approach to healing addresses the underlying cause of disease, and allows the body to heal itself naturally. Physicians are taught to treat the cause not just the symptoms of an illness so that the body can function more efficiently and therefore ensuring true health.
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Chiropractic | Acupuncture | Massage
1898 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 120 Daytona Beach, FL 386.872.7167
Our Services
At our office, we pride ourselves in offering a wide variety of services to meet your unique needs. Our knowledgeable staff is here to relieve your pain and allow your body to return to functioning at its full potential. Below is a list of common services we offer. For more information on other conditions seen in our office, as well as more detailed information on our services, visit the "Resources" tab above.
We Provide Natural Treatment of Conditions including:
Our Services Include:
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Sports Injuries
Joint pain
Car Accidents
Work-related injuries
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
TMJ Dysfunction
and MORE!
Physical Exams
Nutrition Counseling
Myofascial Release
Sports Physicals
School Physicals
Athletic Taping
Infrared Therapy
Rehabilitative Exercise
Scoliosis Screening
Family Chiropractic
Child & Infant Chiropractic
Prenatal Chiropractic
Massage Therapy
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Medical Nutrition Therapy
In addition to these services we also offer a number of nutritional supplements, quality Whole-Food Standard Process brand Nutritional supplements, Biofreeze and other products for sale at our office. Depending on your condition, your acupuncturist or chiropractic physician may also recommend other herbal or nutritional supplements as part of your treatment plan.
Find out if we can help!
Schedule a free consultation today!
We pride ourselves in the diverse amount of services we offer, as well as our ability to treat a number of unique conditions. However, if we are unable to accommodate your needs or aren't able to exceed your expectations for treatment, we will be more than happy to find a physician to assist you in meeting your healthcare goals. If for any reason we are unable to help you, we will find someone who can! You can rest assured that one way or another, you will be in very good hands.
Outside of the office, Dr. Fleming is quite involved with the community and enjoys educating the public on health and wellness. If you would like Dr. Fleming to speak at your event, please feel free to contact our office. There is no charge to have Dr. Fleming speak at your community event. Ability to appear is subject to availability and usually limited to the Daytona Beach and Port Orange communities, though exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.