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Chiropractor Daytona Beach
Chiropractor Daytona Beach

Let's Talk About Health: Holiday Stress


Presents, gifts, cards, kids, cooking, cleaning, shopping - preparing for the holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year! Here are some tips to help you get through it all and still have some time to enjoy the season yourself!


1. Stay organized! Creat a list of things you have to get accomplished and check them off as you get them done.  This will not only help you keep track of things you need to get done but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment when you get to check them off! As you watch your list shrink, so will your stress levels!


2. Prioritize! Get the major stuff out of the way first.  Need to go Christmas shopping and send out Holiday cards? If you have a few free hours in your schedule, get the shopping out of the way and write the cards a little bit at a time when you get a minute.  


3.  Remember to take care of yourself!  Many people get sick during the holidays because of the high levels of stress they go through.  Remember to practice stress management techniques so that you don't spend the entire season drowning in tissues! 


For more information on stress management, visit our homepage to download your FREE copy of our eBook!


Dr. Alesha Fleming

Natural Health and Wellness Chiropractic, LLC

Daytona Beach, FL

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